(Adopted 11-14-2011, Revised 11-11-2013,
Amended 11-08-2016, Amended 11-12-18)
SECTION 1 – Church Membership
A. General
1. The members of the Church shall consist of all persons who have met the requirements for membership and are listed on the Church membership roll.
2. Grace Chapel Church does not have corporate members as the term “member” is defined in the SC Nonprofit Corporation Act. Church membership and being able to vote on the election of the Church Management Board, Deacon Ministry Team, other Church officers or other Church business does not constitute being a member/share-holder of the corporate entity known as Grace Chapel Church as defined by the SC Nonprofit Corporation Act.
B. Requirements/Qualifications for Church Membership
The requirements / qualifications for Church membership are as follows:
A personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and/or by letter from any other Evangelical Church
Signing without reservation the document that includes the Church Principles of Faith, as stated in the Church Constitution – Article III, and the Church Covenant stated below:
As a member of Grace Chapel Church:
I therefore promise, in dependence upon the grace of God, to attend diligently as possible the worship of God and the fellowship opportunities in this Church. I also promise to observe the Lord’s Day, to be faithful in private devotion, and to honor my Lord and Savior by a walk and lifestyle becoming the Gospel of Christ.
And do hereby pledge, sincerely and wholeheartedly, to devote myself to the Lord, to be His forever.
I do promise to support and sustain the honor and worship of God in this Church by contributing to its support and by participating in the work the Church may at any time undertake, according as the Lord has given to me.
And furthermore, I promise to preserve the good name of this Church by a consistent walk as the Lord shall give me grace, and that no criticism shall be brought upon the name of Jesus Christ.
The pastor and/or Deacon Ministry Team may counsel Church and prospective members to inform them of the Church membership requirements and responsibilities and the Church Constitution and Bylaws.
New members are presented to the Church at a regular Church service after approval by the Pastor and Deacon Ministry Team.
C. Responsibilities of Church Membership
We, the members of Grace Chapel Church, affirm that to be a member of this family of faith is to be committed to developing a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and growing relationships with other members of the Church. In the context of these relationships, we commit to God and to one another that we will earnestly and actively endeavor to do the following under the leadership of the Holy Spirit:
We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of love and peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3; Colossians 3:14)
We will walk together in brotherly love, as members of the Body of Christ, and exercise an affectionate care and watchfulness over each other. (John 12:35-36; Romans 12:10)
We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor neglect to pray for ourselves and others. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
We will seek, by Divine strength, to live carefully in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, and remembering that, as our old life has been crucified and buried with Christ, and we have been raised up into spiritual union with Christ, so there is on us a special responsibility and expectation to lead a new and holy life. (Romans 6:11-14)
We will rejoice at each other’s happiness and endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other’s burdens and sorrows. (Romans 12:13, 15)
We will work together for the continuance of the ministries in this church, as we faithfully sustain its worship, ordinances, doctrine, discipline, and governance/authority as it is based on God’s Word and affirmed in the Church Constitution & Bylaws. (Colossians 1:9-10)
We will contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations. (Philippians 1:4-5; Colossians 3:15-17)
We will serve one another by discovering our gifts and talents, by becoming equipped to serve, and by developing a servant’s heart. (1 Peter 4:10; Philippians 2:4-7; Matthew. 20:26-28)
D. Voting Rights of Church Membership
Active members of the Church (See Responsibilities of Church Membership – Section 1.C) present in person at the annual Church business meeting or called business meeting shall have the right to vote on all matters presented to the Church for consideration at such business meetings.
Each member of the Church at least 18 years of age is entitled to one vote if that member has been in attendance at regular church services the last three (3) months.
Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited.
E. Termination of and Restoration of Church Membership
A member shall be removed from the Church membership roll and his/her Church membership terminated for any one of the following reasons:
Transfer of membership or other notification that the person has joined another church
Written request for removal from membership
Exclusion by the action of the Church when a member’s life and conduct are inconsistent with the Scriptures in such as way that the member hinders the ministry influence of the Church – action based on Scriptural church discipline (Matthew 18:15-17):
(1) Private visit by the Pastor and a deacon
(2) Meeting with the Deacon Ministry Team
(3) Meeting called before the Church membership
Restoration of Church membership is based upon evidence of the excluded member’s repentance and reformation on the spirit of 2 Corinthians 2:5-11.
SECTION 2 – Church Pastor/Staff and Officers
A. General
This Church recognizes Jesus Christ as the Head and supreme authority for all its actions and functions. Under Christ, the government of this Church shall be committed to the Pastor, the Deacon Ministry Team, and the Management Board. In all matters, the goal shall be to function in unity, seeking to know and follow the mind of Christ.
The Church is a South Carolina nonprofit tax-exempt corporation known as Grace Chapel Church. In accordance with the South Carolina Non-Profit Corporation Code, the Church must designate individuals to serve in the corporate roles of Directors and Officers.
The Management Board shall be the Board of Directors of the Church and Trustees of all Church properties. The Officers of the Management Board shall be elected by the Management Board and shall be the Officers of the Church. The same individual may not hold more than one Officer position of the Church.
The Chairman of the Management Board shall be the chief Director of the Church. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Church. The elected secretary shall be the Secretary of the Church.
The Officers of the Church are authorized to execute and deliver agreements, contracts, deeds, evidences of indebtedness, and other legal documents on behalf of and binding to the Church, provided that all such agreements, contracts, deeds, evidences of indebtedness, and other legal documents are signed by not less than two such Officers. Evidence of support for such documents by the Pastor and the Deacon Ministry Team shall be included in the Church file.
The Secretary of the Church shall record and maintain the minutes and records of all Management Board meetings and all Church business meetings, and the Secretary shall, upon request, authenticate all such minutes and Church records.
In the event that the Deacon Ministry Team and the Management Board feel it necessary to discharge a pastor, a member of a Lay Leadership Group (defined as the Management Board, the Deacon Ministry Team, the Equipping-Service Ministry Team, and the Nominating Committee) or other elected Church officers before the end of his or her elected term, that leadership will notify the individual and call a meeting of the Deacon Ministry Team and the Management Board for that purpose.
The individual shall have the privilege of attending or absenting himself/herself from such a meeting.
The individual shall be given opportunity to answer to the issues presented concerning him/her, necessitating such a meeting.
An individual choosing to absent himself/herself from such a meeting shall not be prejudged of any accusation.
If the individual should desire to remain in office after the Deacon Ministry Team and the Management Board have voted by majority that the individual be asked to resign, these leadership groups shall call a meeting of the Church body. The Church body shall vote by secret ballot.
Termination by the Church will require a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of all active members present and voting on this issue; voting by proxy or absentee is prohibited.
If termination of the Pastor is affirmed by the Church vote, the Pastor will be discharged immediately.
The Deacon Ministry Team and the Management Board shall determine the Church’s responsibility for any compensation as a final discharge.
The Church shall not be responsible for any fringe benefits granted to a pastor during this time.
B. Pastor (Senior Pastor)
The Church recognizes that pastors of churches are called of God. It is the duty of the Church to seek to find God’s will in this regard.
Qualifications and Responsibilities
The Pastor shall be a man called of God and set apart to the gospel ministry, evangelical in theology, and committed to living and serving in a manner consistent with the standards set forth in Scripture for such a leader. (1 Timothy 3:1-7, 4:6-7; 5:17)
The Pastor shall be called to lead the Church to understand, embrace, and accomplish the principles of faith as stated in the Church constitution, its vision, and its mission as defined in the Grace Chapel Mission Statement: worship/adoration, discipleship, fellowship/prayer, ministry, and evangelism/missions. The Pastor, under God, shall exercise control of the pulpit ministry in concurrence with the Deacon Ministry Team.
The Pastor leads the Church through his primary Biblical roles of overseer, evangelist, shepherd, preacher/teacher, and equipper.
2. Selection – by Pastor Search Committee
The Pastor Search Committee shall be selected by the Deacon Ministry Team conferring with the Management Board, and affirmed at a scheduled or called Church business meeting.
A Pastor Search Committee shall be composed of at least one member of the Deacon Ministry Team and one member from the Management Board, five members from the Church at large, and two non-voting alternate members.
The Pastor Search Committee will work to identify a candidate whose gifts, character, and calling fit him for that office. The Pastor Search Committee will follow accepted procedures that will result in a unanimous candidate choice to present to the Church.
A majority of the members of the Pastor Search Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The Pastor Search Committee shall elect its chairperson from among its members.
3. Selection – by Church Membership
The selection of the Pastor shall occur at a Church business meeting called specifically for that purpose.
No name will be considered or nominated except as recommended by the Pastor Search Committee.
The vote for the Pastor shall be by secret ballot, with a “yes” or “no”, and will require a three-fourths affirmative vote of all active Church members (See Responsibilities of Church Membership – Section 1.C) present and voting for election. Voting by proxy or absentee is prohibited.
If the candidate does not receive the required affirmative vote, the Pastor Search Committee will continue its duties and present another candidate to the Church.
When a candidate for Pastor receives the required affirmative vote, a formal call shall be prepared and sent by the Chairman of the Deacon Ministry Team on behalf of the Church.
4. Term
a. The Pastor shall serve the Church under continuing call until the Church or the Pastor requests otherwise.
The Deacon Ministry Team will provide the spiritual accountability of the Pastor according to the qualifications and responsibilities of his position.
Should the need arise, the Management Board will provide contract information, salary and benefits information, and evaluate the overall performance of the Pastor in the context of his job description.
Resignation (Voluntary Termination) of the Pastor shall require two months prior written notice to the Church.
C. Employed Church Staff
Church staff, i.e. Associate Pastor or other professional/paid personnel, shall be employed subject to terms and conditions set forth by the Senior Pastor and Management Board.
Members of the Church Staff considered “pastors” or “ministers” shall function in similar roles as those stated for the Church’s Senior Pastor. They are to be called of God into the Gospel ministry, expected to be evangelical in theology, supporting the Grace Chapel Church Principles of Faith, and committed to living and serving in a manner consistent with the standards set forth in Scripture for such leaders.
Church pastoral staff positions shall be determined by the Senior Pastor and the Deacon Ministry Team and approved by the Management Board. The person for the position will be selected by the Senior Pastor, the Deacon Ministry Team, and the Management Board, approved by the Church, and shall be accountable to the Senior Pastor. The vote for a pastoral position shall be by secret ballot, with a “yes” or “no”, and require a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the active members present and voting for election.
Church support staff positions shall be determined by the Senior Pastor and approved by the Deacon Ministry Team and the Management Board.
D. Management Board (Church Board of Directors / Trustees of all Church Property)
1. Qualifications and Responsibilities
The Management Board shall include men and/or women who are members of the Church, exemplary in their conduct, discreet in judgment, of honest report/reputation, full of faith, and conscious that they shall set worthy examples of cooperation, love, and loyalty for all members of the Church.
The Management Board oversees in the management and governance of the church – administrating, directing, guiding, and leading the business issues of the Church.
The Management Board handles all of the corporate issues, legal affairs and business matters of the Church. Three main areas of administration include finance, personnel, policy & property.
The business affairs of this corporation shall be entrusted to the Management Board. This body shall be recognized also as the Trustees of all Church property. The Board shall not encumber, transfer, sell or purchase any real estate for the Church except by the express authorization conveyed by a majority vote of the membership present and voting at a duly called congregational meeting.
The Church Treasurer shall be responsible to receive, bank and disburse all Church funds as authorized by the Management Board; make an annual report to the congregation at the annual business meeting; and render the account of the Church as called for by the Board. The Treasurer shall be willing to submit the books for auditing, and shall turn over to the Board, as directed by them or to the successor when elected, all monies, documents, and papers belonging to the Church.
Management Board members must be active members of the Church for at least three years.
The principal responsibilities of the Management Board shall be to:
Ensure the financial integrity of the Church – develop and recommend the annual budget to the Church; be responsible for maintaining the integrity of all the financial activities of the Church.
Provide accountability for the pastor – providing advice and counsel to the Pastor in the planning, budgeting, staffing, coordination, and implementation functions of the various ministries of the Church; evaluate annually the overall performance of the Pastor in the context of his job description.
If necessary, make recommendation to the Church regarding the tenure or dismissal of the Pastor with input from the Deacon Ministry Team
Develop and adopt policies relating to the effective and orderly operation of the Church (including the determination of elected church positions). Any policy changes would also be presented and approved by the Deacon Ministry Team.
Supervise the maintenance of the Church facilities.
Supervise personnel matters of the Church: job descriptions, payroll/finance, hiring/terminating, and recommend annual salary and benefits for the Pastor and any Church paid staff.
As the Board of Directors, handle all corporate affairs and business matters involving the Church.
Oversee and appoint special task forces and ad hoc committees, as needed.
Composition and Selection
The Management Board shall consist of at least seven (7) elected members of the Church.
The Management Board shall not include members of an immediate family, living in the same household residence, at the same time.
The Nominating Committee shall strive to nominate members for the Management Board who are not currently serving on any other Lay Leadership Group. On an annual basis, the Nominating Committee shall request recommendations for the Management Board from members of the Church. Members of the Nominating Committee may also submit recommendations.
Once the Nominating Committee has identified the names of potential candidates, the following procedures shall be observed:
The names of all potential candidates shall be submitted to the Pastor for review. He may request a potential candidate’s name be removed from the list if he believes that the candidate does not meet the spiritual qualifications for service.
Members of the Nominating Committee shall contact potential candidates to determine if they are willing to serve if elected. Potential candidates must indicate they believe that they meet the qualifications for service and are willing to serve.
The chairman or appointed member of the Nominating Committee shall appoint teams of two from the Nominating Committee to interview each potential candidate.
The Nominating Committee shall make available information (if requested) to the members of the Church about a candidate willing to serve if elected. Requests must be made at least fourteen calendar days (two weeks) before the annual Church business meeting.
The number of nominees presented shall be at least the exact number of persons needed for service.
All nominees must be present at any election, except in the case of illness or equally valid excuse. The Nominating Committee shall have the jurisdiction of the validity of the excuse.
e. The Management Board shall elect its officers from among its members on an annual basis. The chairperson of the Management Board shall have at least two years of experience as a board member.
The election of the Management Board shall be held at the annual Church business meeting.
The method of voting shall be determined as follows:
If there are a greater number of nominees presented than are needed to fill the open position(s), then a secret ballot will be used; the nominees with the greatest number of votes to fill the needed positions for that term will be elected.
If there are only the exact number of nominees needed to fill the open position(s), then the voting members present at the business meeting will vote by voice affirmation “aye” or “no”; the majority shall rule.
If vacancies occur on the Management Board, the Board has the authority to function with fewer members or fill the vacancy with a replacement by the Nominating Committee. Such replacement shall serve out the remainder of the unexpired term of the person being replaced.
a. Members of the Management Board shall serve three-year terms, on a rotating basis, beginning January 1 of each year, and may succeed themselves in office as recommended by the Nominating Committee.
The Management Board shall meet no less than once a month.
A majority of the members of the Management Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and action of the Management Board shall be approved by a majority vote of the members of the Board present and voting.
In the absence of the chairman, a temporary chairman shall preside.
The Church Secretary or the 1st or 2nd assistant church secretary shall be present at all regular monthly Management Board meetings, and record all minutes of said meeting. These minutes shall become a matter of permanent Church record.
The Pastor attends the Management Board meetings in an advisory capacity.
SECTION 3 – Lay Ministry Leadership Teams
A. Deacon Ministry Team (Spiritual Leadership)
1. Qualifications and Responsibilities
The Deacon Ministry Team manages and mentors the spiritual life within the congregation. The Deacon Ministry Team shall promote peace, harmony, and a spirit of unity and cooperation among the membership of the Church.
The Pastor and the Deacons shall oversee the spiritual needs of the Church.
The Deacons serve as the lay pastoral/shepherding care team:
not managers of the Church but servants to the Church – ministry centered, not business centered;
composed of qualified men elected from the Church membership.
As servants of the Church, Deacons need to set the example for the congregation:
in their regular attendance at worship services and Bible study events,
in ministry, and
in the evangelistic and missionary efforts in the community and around the world.
Deacons must be active members of the Church for at least three years.
The Deacon Ministry Team shall serve Church body in the following ways:
Serve the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people;
Assist the pastor, as needed, so that he may offer more attention “to prayer and the ministry of the Word of God”;
Assist in coordinating special church discipleship programs, and interim pastorate as needed;
Assist with/lead teams in: outreach, new member follow-up, the bereaved, widows, prayer needs, visitation – hospital, nursing home, etc.;
Provide internal accountability – serve as a council of advice and as prayer partners to the Pastor;
Resolve conflicts and help oversee church discipline;
Help lead the congregation in its observance of the Lord’s Supper;
Select the Nominating Committee appointees to the Nominating Committee for screening before presenting to the Church for affirmation. After screening by the Nominating Committee, qualified appointees’ names will be returned to the Deacon Ministry Team.
When it is necessary to call a new Pastor, the Deacon Ministry Team will confer with the Management Board to form a pastor search committee.
Composition and Selection
The Deacon Ministry Team and the Pastor shall determine the number of men necessary to function effectively in its various ministries.
The Nominating Committee shall strive to nominate members for the Deacon Ministry Team who are not currently serving on the Management Board. On an annual basis, the Nominating Committee shall request recommendations for the Deacon Ministry Team from members of the Church. Members of the Nominating Committee may also submit recommendations.
Once the Nominating Committee has identified the names of potential candidates, the following procedures shall be observed:
The names of all potential candidates shall be submitted to the Pastor for review. He may request a potential candidate’s name be removed from the list if he believes that the candidate does not meet the spiritual qualifications for service.
Members of the Nominating Committee shall contact potential candidates to determine if they are willing to serve if elected. Potential candidates must indicate they believe that they meet the qualifications for service and are willing to serve.
The chairman or appointed member of the Nominating Committee and a Deacon shall interview each potential candidate.
The Nominating Committee shall make available information (if requested) to the members of the Church about a candidate willing to serve if elected. Requests must be made at least fourteen calendar days (two weeks) before the annual Church business meeting.
The number of nominees presented shall be at least the exact number of persons needed for service.
All nominees must be present at any election, except in the case of illness or equally valid excuse. The Nominating Committee shall have the jurisdiction of the validity of the excuse.
d. The Deacon Ministry Team shall elect its officers from among its members on an annual basis.
3. Election
The election of the Deacon Ministry Team shall be held at the annual Church business meeting.
The method of voting shall be determined as follows:
If there are a greater number of nominees presented than are needed to fill the open position(s), then a secret ballot will be used; the nominees with the greatest number of votes to fill the needed positions for that term will be elected.
If there are only the exact number of nominees needed to fill the open position(s), then the voting members present at the business meeting will vote by voice affirmation “aye” or “no”; the majority shall rule.
If vacancies occur on the Deacon Ministry Team, the Team may decide to function with fewer members or fill the vacancy with a replacement by the Nominating Committee. Such replacement shall serve out the remainder of the unexpired term of the person he replaces.
4. Term
a. Members of the Deacon Ministry Team shall serve three-year terms, on a rotating basis, beginning January 1 of each year, and may succeed themselves in office as recommended by the Nominating Committee.
a. There shall be regular meetings as determined by the Deacon Officer(s).
b. A majority of the members of the Deacon Ministry Team shall constitute a quorum for decision-making.
c. The Pastor shall be an active participating member in decisions being made by the Deacon Ministry Team.
B. Equipping-Service Ministry Team
1. Qualifications and Responsibilities
The Equipping-Service Ministry Team shall include men and women who are active members of the Church, exemplary in their conduct, discreet in judgment, of honest report/reputation, full of faith, and conscious that they shall set worthy examples of cooperation, love, and loyalty for all members of the Church.
The Equipping-Service Ministry Team shall maintain and coordinate the calendar of ministry events within the church, and work with the Pastor and Deacon Ministry Team to identify spiritual gifts and ministry needs and opportunities within the church.
The principle responsibilities of the Equipping-Service Ministry Team are to:
Work with the Pastor and Deacon Ministry Team to help match up the spiritual gifts and interest of members with the needs of the Church ministries.
Coordinate the calendar of Church events, including the use of the Church facilities, bus, and property according to the guidelines set by the Management Board.
2. Composition and Selection
The Equipping-Service Ministry Team shall be composed of five (5) members:
A co-chairperson whose primary duty is to plan and coordinate church-wide social events
A co-chairperson whose primary responsibility is to coordinate the church calendar for building use, and work with the pastor in surveying the spiritual gifts of the church members
The Pastor
A Deacon Ministry Team member
A Management Board member
3. Term
a. Members of the Equipping-Service Ministry Team shall serve a one-year term beginning January 1, and may succeed themselves in office as recommended by the Nominating Committee.
4. Meetings
A planning meeting will be held three (3) times a year, and additionally as needed, to:
Plan church-wide events and ministries
Coordinate the calendar of building use and ministry activities that have been planned by various ministries or individuals within the church
A majority of the members of the Equipping-Service Ministry Team shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and any action of the Equipping-Service Ministry Team shall be approved by a majority vote of the members of the Team present and voting.
SECTION 4 – Nominating Committee
A. Nominating Committee
1. Qualifications and Responsibilities
The Nominating Committee oversees the filling of elected offices/positions with capable, qualified, committed members of the Church.
The Nominating Committee develops and implements a nominating process.
The Nominating Committee is composed of men and women who are members of the Church, exemplary in their conduct, discreet in judgment, of honest report/reputation, full of faith, and conscious that they shall set worthy examples of cooperation, love, and loyalty for all members of the Church.
Nominating Committee members must be active members of the Church for at least three years.
The principle responsibilities of the Nominating Committee shall be to
Determine the openings that will occur in elected Church positions for the next Church year and, if the occasion arises, within the current Church year; ensure that all offices are filled.
See that forms for suggesting/recommending candidates and job descriptions/qualifications are available to the congregation at least three months before the annual business meeting for the election of leadership positions.
Interview/screen the candidates for elected leadership positions to be sure they meet the qualifications for the office/position.
Evaluate and select a slate of candidates that are capable and qualify for certain leadership positions.
Get confirmation of willingness to serve from all candidates.
Post the slate of candidates for the various positions in the Church newsletter and in the two (2) weekly church bulletins prior to the annual Church business meeting.
Composition and Selection
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Pastor, three men and three women at large from the Church membership, one Deacon, and one Management Board member.
The Pastor and the Deacon Ministry Team shall identify potential appointees and alternates for the Nominating Committee from the members of the Church.
The Secretary of the Church will contact the potential appointees by letter seeking confirmation of their willingness to accept or reject the appointment.
At a regular meeting one month prior to the annual Church business meeting, the Deacon Ministry Team and Pastor shall select the Nominating Committee members to be presented for affirmation.
3. Affirmation
The affirmation of the Nominating Committee shall be held during the annual Church business meeting.
If vacancies occur on the Nominating Committee, the Deacon Ministry Team may decide to allow the committee to function with fewer members or appoint a replacement of its own choosing. The replacement will serve out the remainder of the unexpired term of the person he or she replaces.
4. Term
Nominating Committee members will serve for three (3) years, on a rotating basis, beginning January 1, and may succeed themselves as recommended by the Pastor and Deacon Ministry Team.
5. Meetings
Nominating Committee members shall meet as necessary.
A majority of the members of the Nominating Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and any action of the Nominating Committee shall be approved by a majority vote of the members of the Committee present and voting.
SECTION 5 – Church Business Meetings
A. Place and Time
1. Church Business meetings shall be held at the Church facilities on Dixiana Road, or such other place as may need to be designated by the Management Board.
2. The annual Church business meeting of the members shall be held the second week in November of each year to
review program reports,
update the Church and establish unity,
elect Church officers (Treasurer, 1st Assistant Treasurer, 2nd Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, 1st Assistant Secretary, 2nd Assistant Secretary) and elected ministry leaders whose terms expire,
affirm the Nominating Committee members,
present a year-end financial report,
give a general State of the Church, and
conduct any other business as deemed necessary for the Church.
3. The Pastor, Chairman of the Deacon Ministry Team, or Chairman of the Management Board shall have the authority to call the Church to a business meeting whenever it is deemed expedient for any emergency business which they do not feel warranted to transact without the approval of the Church members.
B. Notice Requirements
1. Church business meetings shall be either called business meetings (of non-emergency nature) or the annual Church business meeting, with a one month advance notice of such meeting. Notice of the annual Church business meeting shall be given at each service of the Church for one month preceding said annual meeting.
2. Notice shall include a general description of any business to be transacted and may be given by distribution of written material to the members in attendance at Sunday services, and/or by a verbal announcement to the congregation in attendance at Sunday services.
C. Procedures
1. In conducting all Church business meetings, the Church shall be guided by procedures as established by the Management Board.
2. The Chairman of the Management Board shall serve as the moderator of all Church business meetings. In the absence of the Chairman of the Management Board, the Chairman of the Deacon Ministry Team shall serve as moderator. In the absence of both of these chairpersons, the Pastor shall serve as moderator. In the absence of all three, another officer from the Management Board shall designate the moderator.
3. All matters requiring Church approval shall be brought to the attention of the Management Board at least one month before being placed on the agenda of a Church business meeting.
4. The Chairman of the Management Board, in conference with the Chairman of the Deacon Ministry Team, shall establish the agenda for each Church business meeting.
5. Elections (annual or special) or an action requiring a vote by the church membership held at any called business meeting will be presided over by chairman of the Management Board.
6. The chairman of the Management Board, the chairman of the Deacon Ministry Team, and the chairman of the Nominating Committee will count votes and report the results of secret ballot elections.
7. In the event of a tie during an election, a re-vote of those involved in the tie will be taken.
D. Quorum
1. After due notice for the business meeting is given, a quorum shall consist of the active Church members entitled to vote (See Responsibilities of Church Membership – Section 1.C and Section 1.D Voting Rights) and present for the transaction of business. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited.
2. The voting age of members shall be at least 18 years of age.
E. Change in Church Affiliation; Dissolutions of property/assets; Alteration in Corporate Status
1. All matters relating to any proposal or plan:
For affiliation with another church or association of churches; and/or
For dissolution of the Church and/or disposition of real and personal property and other assets of the Church upon dissolution of the Church; and/or
For merger of the Church with another church or entity; and/or
To alter the corporate character of the Church,
shall be handled by the Management Board before a recommendation is made by the Management Board to the Church members to vote thereon.
2. The Management Board may recommend a proposal to any of the above matters to the active Church members entitled to vote thereon during any Church business meeting. A three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the active Church members present and voting shall be required to approve and adopt such proposal or plan. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited.
3. In the event of the dissolution of the Church, all real and personal property and other assets of the Church shall be distributed in accordance with applicable law.
SECTION 6 – Finance
A. Offerings and Contributions
1. All offerings and contributions, their collection and disposition shall be under the authority of the Management Board.
2. Designated gifts for missionary, charitable, or educational causes may be made through the Church Treasury, provided that the causes are consistent with the purposes of our Principles of Faith and the Church Covenant.
3. The Church Treasurer shall distribute to members of the Church written quarterly contribution statements.
B. Acquisition or Sale of Land and Buildings or Borrowing of Funds
The members of the Church shall approve all acquisition or sale of land and buildings or the borrowing of funds by a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the active Church members present and voting for such motion at any Church business meeting. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited.
C. Financial Integrity of the Church
1. The Management Board shall be accountable to the Church for maintaining the financial integrity of all financial activities of the Church.
The Management Board shall establish operating and reserve funds that are adequate to operate the Church efficiently.
If anticipated receipts are less than the annual budget, the Management Board will make the necessary changes in the annual budget to operate within the anticipated receipts.
2. The Church Treasurer and any officers of the Church having access to funds of the Church shall be bonded in such amounts as the Management Board determines.
3. The Management Board shall develop and approve written financial policies and guidelines for all financial activities of the Church and all related activities.
4. The Management Board shall receive and approve detailed monthly financial statements for the Church.
SECTION 7 – Records and Reports
1. The Church shall maintain and keep the following records and reports in the Church offices:
An accounting system that provides financial records with actual and detailed information on receipts, disbursements, balances, and the financial condition of the Church
Written minutes of all Church business meetings and all Management Board meetings
A listing of the Church’s real and personal property, fixed assets, and insurance records
A record of the members of the Church, listing the names and addresses of all members
Annual contribution statements for all contributors
The Church Constitution and most recent edition of the Bylaws
At least every five (5) years, a financial audit report from an independent Certified Public Accountant
2. Members do not have general access to all Church records.
SECTION 8 – Maintenance
A. Year End
The Church shall operate on a calendar year for committee, team, and board service. With respect to operation of the budget, the Fiscal Year will run from November 1st-October 31st.
B. Policies and Guidelines
1. The Management Board shall be responsible for compiling and maintaining the policies and guidelines for the day-to-day administrative functions of the Church not covered in the Constitution and Bylaws. Subjects covered shall include, but are not limited to:
Personnel and officer job descriptions and duties;
Financial guidelines;
Church property guidelines;
Church Bus policy;
Child Protection policy; and
Cemetery policy.
2. The policies and guidelines shall be available in the church office for review by members of the Church.
3. Any suggested changes shall be recommended in writing to, and decided upon by, the Management Board.
SECTION 9 – Adoption and Amendment of Bylaws
A. Adoption
These Bylaws shall be adopted by a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the active members of the Church present and voting at the duly called Church business meeting at which these Bylaws are submitted for adoption. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited.
B. Amendment
These Bylaws may be amended, replaced, or added to at any time by the Management Board and Deacon Ministry Team and then submitted to the Church for adoption by a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the active members of the Church present and voting at the duly called Church business meeting at which these amended Bylaws are submitted.
No such Bylaws shall be amended or adopted which conflict with or void any provisions of the Grace Chapel Constitution or Articles of Incorporation.
C. Records
A copy of the most recent edition of the Bylaws shall at all times be kept with the records of the Church.
A copy of the Church Constitution and Bylaws shall be made available to any Church member upon request.