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June 17th - 20th
5:00p - 8:00p


What makes you wonder?  What sparks your curiosity?  What makes you want to explore, discover, and experiment? 


Kids are naturally curious, but how can we harness their curiosity to help them wonder about the God who made them? When you’re curious about who God is, it’s easy to find ways to make your relationship with Jesus grow. That’s why, in this 4-part series for VBS, we’re going to engage kids’ imaginations! Kids will not only get curious about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — they’ll get curious about the God who created it all! They’ll hear from early church leaders like Paul, Peter, John, and Timothy, who helped the first Jesus-followers wonder what made their stories unique, what gifts God gave them (and how they could use those gifts to serve), what they could learn from others, and how they could spend time with God.

Kids ages 4-10 will have a blast at this years VBS! It will be out of this world fun! Dinner will be provided each night, starting at 5:00pm. Please stay with your child/children during dinner and feel free to eat as well. Around 5:30/5:45pm each night we will break out into groups to go upstairs. Please return by 8:00pm each night to pick up your child/children from the Sanctuary each night, they will be released to parents/guardians following the closing ceremony.

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